Letter from the Pastor – February 2025

Dear Church,

By the time this letter reaches your inbox, it will be just about two weeks since Inauguration Day ushered in the beginning of a new Presidential administration. In the days since January 20th, it has felt as if the news has been coming fast and out of control. Not only have we been overwhelmed by the deluge of executive orders, governmental memos, Presidential Tweets, and images of mass deportations from around the country. We have also had to deal with all the responses to these actions, and reactions from people. We have seen pain and hurt, we have seen acts of resistance, we have seen pleas for mercy. We have also seen acts of cruelty, heard words used to bully people, and seen frequent self-righteous victory laps in the face of other people’s disappointment and pain. It has been, and probably will continue to feel, chaotic and overwhelming. It certainly has felt that way for me.

With that in mind, this month I am choosing to use this space to share a little peace. To make a respite from the chaos. After all, as we read in the earliest verses of the Bible, in Genesis 1, we worship a God that first brought calm to the chaos to create the world. It makes sense to me then, that if we are to strive to create a better world, a world that looks more like the Kin-dom of God, we will need ways to manage the chaos.

I offer these words from Psalm 46: 10, “Be still and know that I am God.” These words have always been one of the cornerstones of my personal faith, as they remind us of God’s presence with us. They are also a reminder that not only is God with us, but God is part of us, and we are a part of God. And to quote another of the scriptural cornerstones of my faith, “I am certain that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither present nor the future…will be able to separate us from the love of God.” (Romans 8: 38-39)

So, when things begin to feel chaotic or overwhelming, let me offer this prayer, based on Psalm 46, as a way of centering, and bringing order to the chaos. Of finding calm, safety and hope in the presence of God. You can also use it as a breath prayer.

“Lord of my heart, help me to trust my heart when you say, (Inhale) be still and know (Exhale) that I am God

(Inhale) Be still and know (Exhale) that I am.

(Inhale) Be still (Exhale) and know.

(Inhale) Be (Exhale) still.



Existing in God with you,

Pastor Zach

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