
  • Adult Education

    This ministry seeks to support the spiritual development and growth of the congregation’s adult members (age 18 and above). 

    This ministry group provides a variety of educational and spiritual formation experiences for adults. These include the annual Perry Gresham Bible Lecture, as well as adult studies that occur at various times during the week. It is best to check the calendar or with the office for the latest offerings.

  • Youth & Children’s Ministries

    Sunday morning programs for children from 0 through teens.

  • Fellowship

    Opportunities to share in meals and fun activities throughout the year.

  • Stephen Ministry

    A ministry of pastoral and spiritual care provided through auspices of a national and ecumenical ministry.

  • Stewardship

    Central Woodward Christian Church’s Ministry of Stewardship provides oversight and administration of the congregation’s financial and material resources. This includes oversight and management of the church’s budget and income, as well as the ongoing maintenance of its property.
  • Outreach Ministry

    Ministry of missional outreach and social justice ministry to the local community and beyond.

  • Membership & Evangelism

    Responsible for encouraging the congregation’s evangelism ministries and the assimilation of new members.

  • Choir & Music

    Ministry of music in support of worship and outreach to the community.

  • Women’s Ministries

  • Men’s Ministries