About Us

We seek to be a loving family and community.

The message of Jesus is one of love — love of God and love of neighbor. As followers of Jesus we are seeking to become a truly loving community.  We know that living into this identity takes patience and commitment. We fall short, but are raised up through God’s gracious love.

We seek to walk together in relationship with God

The life of faith is a journey in the presence of God. The mission of the church is to provide an opportunity for God’s people to share together in this journey of faith. In pursuit of this mission, this congregation seeks to offer encouragement, counsel, teaching and learning.  That is, we seek to offer a safe place to grow in faith join others in following in the ways of Jesus Christ.

We are an Open and Affirming Congregation. 

Jesus welcomed any and all who would come to him. As his followers we seek to throw open the doors and invite all who would come. Our creed is simple — we confess faith in the God revealed to us and embodied in the person of Jesus Christ. We seek to welcome all who would come, no matter their age, gender, ethnicity, theology, differences in ability, gender identity, or sexual orientation. This vision is expressed in our Open and Affirming Inclusion Statement adopted April 18, 2016.
We are an open and affirming congregation, striving to reflect God’s unconditional love for all God’s good creation.  Acknowledging that Christianity has been used historically and presently to justify oppression, we covenant with God and one another to provide a loving invitation to all who seek to follow Jesus, welcoming them into the full life and service of the church.  We celebrate diversities of race, ages, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, ethnicity, marital status, physical and mental abilities, family configuration, political affiliation, economic circumstance or theological perspective. We offer hospitality, healing and hope to all who have been traditionally marginalized, ignored or excluded from the body of Christ.

We come together at an open table.

As Disciples we believe that the Lord’s Table (also known as the Eucharist or Communion) is the center of our worship. It is here that we most fully encounter the risen Christ as we remember his offering on the cross. Therefore, we share each Sunday in the service of Communion. Because Christ is the host, the table is open to all who would come.