Outreach Ministry

Seeking to be a missional congregation that is compassionate and service oriented, this Ministry coordinates our involvements in the local community and beyond. From its earliest days, CWCC has been committed to supporting the ministries of the Disciples of Christ, as well as working ecumenically with other faith traditions. This continues to this day.

Besides informing the Congregation of the total mission of the church, including the outreach ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), the Outreach Ministry reviews requests and needs from mission and benevolent organizations which ask the church for support; plans and coordinates outreach efforts on the part of the church members, and encourages church members to become involved in community efforts.

In 2011, CWCC began a major partnership with Motown Mission to provide Disciples of Christ churches a mission destination in Detroit. In June of 2011, we began co-sponsoring with the Michigan Region of the Disciples, Rippling Hope Ministries, Northwestern Christian Church, and Motown Mission, of Peace Week. This venture led to a growing ministry in Detroit in partnership with Rippling Hope that brings mission groups into Detroit to immerse themselves learning about racial/social reconciliation, about living in an urban environment, and join in the work of rebuilding the city of Detroit.  

Among the programs and projects that CWCC is involved with are the following: