
Our church extends sincere prayers that your marriage will be a rich and growing experience for you. First and foremost, a Church wedding is a service of worship, and it is with this in mind that we have certain guidelines for weddings conducted within our church. As an Open and Affirming Congregation, we are happy to provide weddings services for both same and opposite gender couples.

 Wedding Guidelines

  • Scheduling:   The day and hour of the service must be scheduled through the church office. We strongly recommend at least six months’ notice to make sure that the building is available, as well as the pastor. Before your date can be placed on the calendar, you will need to fill out a “Wedding Application” form to submit with a $300 deposit. In addition, you will need to complete a Facilities Management Request Sheet 30 days prior to the Wedding date in order for our Property Director to accommodate facility needs.
  • The Marriage License:  Call the County Clerk’s Office for details on how to apply for the license. Remember, there is a four day waiting period. The marriage license must be brought to the church office by 4 pm on the Wednesday preceding your wedding. Be sure to provide the church with the full name (including middle name) and addresses of your two witnesses.
  • Flowers:  The florist should deliver the flowers to the church well in advance of the wedding. Homegrown flowers are perfectly permissible and if you choose to scatter flower petals on the aisle, only live petals are permitted. If you would like to leave the flowers for use on Sunday morning, please indicate this on the “Wedding Registration Form,” so acknowledgement can be made in the Sunday bulletin. Please note that no greens or other decorations are to be stapled or taped to the woodwork of the church. ONLY ribbon or elastic cord may be used on the pews.
  •  Music:  Our organist will play for all weddings when available. All other music arrangements must be made through the organist A soloist of your choice may be used and it is preferable that all music selected for the wedding be of a sacred nature. The Church organist is Patrick Kuhl, and can be reached by calling the church office.
  • Photography:  Flash photography is not permitted during the ceremony. Professional photographers are permitted to take pictures of the processional from the halfway point of the aisle. They are not permitted to stand at the front of the sanctuary. The wedding party is free to return to the sanctuary for photographs after the ceremony is concluded. The Pastor or the wedding coordinator will confer with the professional photographer before the service.
  • Video Taping: As mentioned above, a church wedding is, first and foremost, a service of worship. Videotaping the service shall in no way detract from the worship experience. Whether or not the person operating the video camera is a professional, he or she must tape the wedding from the rear of the sanctuary.
  • Candles:  Candelabra are available from the church (candles are included in the rental cost). You may also bring a “Unity Candle” to be placed on the communion table if you so desire.
  • Wedding Reception:  All church receptions must be handled through Central Woodward Christian Church. If you are interested, the church office will supply you with the name and phone number of our kitchen coordinator.
  • General Rules: Alcoholic beverages are prohibited on church property and no smoking is permitted in the building. Confetti and rice or similar materials are prohibited in any part of the building however bubbles may be used outside.
  • Wedding Rehearsal:  It can be held at any time during the week prior to the wedding, although it is usually held the night before. The rehearsal will last 45-60 minutes. Please encourage everyone to be on time, because the rehearsal cannot begin without everyone present. Please bring the unity candle (if not in a flower arrangement being delivered by the florist) and any bulletins or programs to the rehearsal.
  • Dressing at the Church:  Feel free to come early and dress at the church. There are changing rooms available for the members of the wedding party.

Wedding Fees

  • Church $300.00
  • Fellowship Hall $200.00
  • Minister Honorarium $350.00
  • Organist $225.00
  • Wedding Coordinator $ 100.00
  • Custodian $ 75.00
  • Sound Technician $ 50.00 (when using CWCC sound system)
  • Candelabra (included)

The “Wedding Application”, along with the “Waiver of Responsibility Policy” forms must be filled in and returned to the church office along with a $300 deposit before your wedding date is recorded on the church calendar. The balance due is payable the Wednesday prior to your wedding and can be brought to the church office (along with your marriage license if CWCC clergy are officiating). Non-CWCC clergy are allowed, but should be cleared through the Senior Pastor. You will receive a complete wedding packet from the church office providing complete instructions, so that your celebration at Central Woodward Christian Church will be a memorable occasion you will not soon forget.

For further information, contact the church office at (248) 644-0512.