
You Can’t Go Home Again – Fourth Sunday After Epiphany (Luke 4: 22-30)

And now for the rest of the story… Last week we began the story of Jesus’ return to the synagogue ...
/ Gospel Message, Hometown, Jesus, Sermons

The Homecoming – Third Sunday after the Epiphany (Luke 4: 14-21)

Today we read the story of Jesus’ return to his home synagogue in Nazareth. This is at the start of ...
/ fulfillment, Homecoming, identity, Jesus, Sermons

Many Gifts – Second Sunday after the Epiphany (1 Corinthians 12: 4-11)

After I graduated from college, and I was back in my hometown, I really didn’t look forward to running into ...

What Comes Next? – Sunday after Epiphany (Luke 3: 15-17, 21-22)

Several years ago, as a student minister, I got the opportunity to preach a sermon around this time, just after ...

Some Assembly Required – Epiphany Sunday (John 1: 14-18)

I’m sure we are all familiar with the stories of Christmas mornings where a parent spends the better part of ...
/ Epiphany, gifts, Hope, Sermons, Spiritual Gifts

Connect to Love – Fourth Sunday in Advent (John 1: 3-9)

Well, here we are on the fourth Sunday in Advent. There are three sleeps until Christmas. Are you ready for ...
/ Christmas, gifts, Love, Sermons

Connect to Joy – Third Sunday in Advent (Luke 1: 39-45)

In literary and film criticism there is something called the Bechdel Test. The idea is, if a work of fiction ...

Connect to Peace – Second Sunday of Advent (Luke 1: 68-79)

There is a movie out right now that is doing very well, a lot of people have gone to see ...

What You Do With It – Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost (Mark 12: 38-44)

On a cold February morning, my seminary class went into downtown Indianapolis. Our professor had us pair up and gave ...

Oh No! We’re Out of Wine – Twenty-Fifth Sunday After Pentecost (John 2: 1-11)

There comes a point in the epic The Lord of the Rings story -both the books by JRR Tolkien and ...