
Oh No! We’re Out of Wine – Twenty-Fifth Sunday After Pentecost (John 2: 1-11)

There comes a point in the epic The Lord of the Rings story -both the books by JRR Tolkien and ...

Nothing More, Nothing Less – Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost (Mark 12: 28-34)

Sometimes I wonder, what might it be like to see Jesus being interviewed on cable news. I don’t think about ...
/ Direction, Elections, Love, Sermons, Time

Before, During, and After – Twenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost (Hebrews 7: 23-28)

Growing up my parents introduced me to the British television that aired on our local PBS station. One show that ...
/ leadership, precarious, Priesthood, Sermons

Why? – Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost (Psalm 22: 1-15)

My God, My God, why have you forsaken me? I imagine these words in our reading from Psalms today were ...
/ Lament, Sermons

What Makes the Miracle Possible – Saying “Yes And…” to Jesus Week 5 (Mark 15: 42-47)

This morning, we finish this series of sermons reflecting on the book being read by the elders, God, Improv, and ...

The Sweet Smell of Perfume – Saying “Yes, and…” to Jesus Sermon Series Week 4 (John 12: 3-8)

Maybe you were thinking, as you heard that Bible story being read just a moment ago, that the story seemed ...
/ Anointing, Gospels, improvisation, Sermons

Dinner at Mary and Martha’s – Saying “Yes, and…” to Jesus Week 3 (Luke 10: 38 – 42)

In the book God, Improv, and the Art of Living, author MaryAnn McKibben writes, “Any situation in which we find ...
/ Church, improvisation, Sermons, Sisters

Lost Up a Tree – Saying “Yes, and…” to Jesus Week 2 (Luke 19: 1-10)

In our scripture reading for this week, we meet a Bible character who is very well known, but only appears ...

From the Feet Up – Saying “Yes, and…” to Jesus Week 1 (Luke 7: 36-50)

This morning, we will return to an idea we touched on over a month ago. The idea was inspired by ...
/ Forgiveness, God, improv, Sermons, Sin

Ask and You Shall Receive – Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost (1 Kings 2: 10-12, 3: 3-14)

This week we come to the end of King David’s story. When we find him in the reading this week ...
/ Call Centers, David, Prayer, Sermons, Solomon