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Central Woodward Christian Church is part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The Disciples are an American-born denomination that emerged on the American frontier around the turn of the 19th century. They saw themselves as a reform movement that was committed to uniting Christians in America for mission. In this book by Pastor Bob, we are introduced to the core values of the Disciples, including freedom, unity, sacraments, covenant and more.
We hear a lot of talk about biblical marriage, but what is it? Is there such a thing? More importantly what might the Bible have to say to the way Christians understand marriage in the 21st century. This has become an even more important question after the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage. Central Woodward had to wrestle with the question, which led to the decision to become an Open and Affirming Congregation. As the congregation wrestled with the question, Pastor Bob Cornwall did his own work in the Bible, asking important questions for the church, and the end result is this book — Marriage in Interesting Times: A Participatory Study Guide, (Energion, 2016).
Jonah is a most interesting story of how God seems to change God’s mind. Theologian Bruce Epperly picks up on these themes in this brief examination of the steory.
A brief exploration of Karl Barth’s understanding of the Word of God and how it might help modern Christians embrace the message of Scripture without having to embrace biblical literalism.
A collection of sermons for Lent, this book takes up texts chosen by David Ackerman for his alternative lectionary — Beyond the Lectionary. Texts and sermons for the season that challenge us to new adventures.
Pastor Bob’s latest book is a brief — 40 pages — look at how we got the Lord’s Supper we share in each week. He starts with Passover and works forward through Jesus’ institution of the supper and on through the early Christian, medieval, and Reformation developments, bringing us to our current experiences. What is it that we’re doing at the table? This might help provide some answers or point us toward them.
Pastor Bob’s most recent book, Worshiping with Charles Darwin, invites the reader to join him in building bridges between the Christian faith and science. We can affirm God to be creator and still recognize the validity of evolutionary theory.
Pastor Bob’s latest book is the product of thirty years of study, practice, and engagement in ministry. This is a book on spiritual gifts that is written with mainline Protestants in mind.
Pastor Bob Cornwall’s book encompasses fifty-five brief essays that discuss ways in which people of faith engage the public square in a responsible way. It is progressive in orientation, but designed to encourage a conversation. The majority of the essays were originally published as part of a weekly Op-Ed column for the Lompoc Record in California. They have been updated.
This is a brief study of the Lord’s Prayer, reminding us that in this prayer, we make a pledge of our ultimate allegiance to God — what are the implicationis of this for the church and our individual lives. Pastor Bob is the author of this book.
Using the principles of the Lectio Divina study method, Pastor Bob has written a study guide for the Letter to the Ephesians. It is useful for groups and individual study.